The dress code establishes standards that reflect modesty and appropriateness for a Christ honoring appearance. It is our goal to provide young people the opportunity to develop discernment by cultivating this ability practically as they make choices about their physical appearance, with minimal guidelines in place. We recognize you, the parent, as the God-given authority in your child's life (Psalms 127:3). We have committed to walk along-side you and support you. For these reasons the dress code is intentionally designed to honor God and His Word, while also giving parents the freedom and opportunity to disciple their children and partner with us, as together we build discernment.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:2)

The student may wear the following:

  • Clothing that is not see-through and covers the undergarments, chest, and torso to the required length of dresses/skirts. Clothing that does not have holes above the knee.

  • Clothing that honors Christ in word or image. Clothing must be free of references to any violent images or games, secular personalities or media, sexual references, anything racially offensive, addictive substances, or any other image or slogan that dishonors Christ.

  • Dresses, skirts, and shorts that come to at least ¾ of the length from the top of the inseam to the middle of the knee. (To determine this, measure from the top of the inseam to the middle of the knee and identify ¾ of that measurement. That is the required length for dresses, skirts, and shorts.)

  • Dresses, tops, and blouses that cover the top of the shoulders with straps at least 3” wide.

  • Clothing that is not form fitting. i.e., leggings or jeggings (unless worn with a top that comes to mid-thigh).

  • Hair that is clean and out of the eyes.

To prevent distractions from the learning process and/or safety concerns, the following items are not to be worn in the school:

  • Hats, toboggans, or hoods worn on the head during the instructional day

  • Pajama pants

If there is a question about any clothing worn by a student, the administrator will make the final determination. If the clothing is determined to be out of code, the parent will be notified to bring the student proper attire. After three dress code violations, the student will be assigned a stricter dress code for the remainder of the year.

SCA Dress Code